### Planejamento para o projeto de conclusão de curso
This is a clarification of a problem hinted at in other issues.
There is a power floor in the EoR window when perfect calibration is used. It seems related to how many sources are subtracted. While i…
At my company I spend a lot of time analyzing experiments and the datasets I'm working with are rather large. I typically build multilevel models with lmer. Building these models with the `…
There has been some discussion in https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish/pull/2260 about the test bounds, how to optimize for resource usage and how to verify scaling and whatnot. So I opened…
As you might have seen, one of the [vignette](https://easystats.github.io/bayestestR/articles/3_IndicesExistenceComparison.html) is a bit more detailed and looks almost like a paper. Actually, the who…
this is a very cool project. I am interested in using some parts of it, in particular the emulator. If I understand correctly, I can use the pipeline to construct and regress the emulator for a…
I tried Vienna and Linz, both failed. Where does the screening currently work?
### Summary
From my understanding of the code, which may very well be wrong, we are performing a simple log-linear fit. While this is a very easy computation, I am concerned that it is somewhat…
#### Expected Behaviour
VPR should satisfy timing constraint.
#### Current Behaviour
Timing constraints are violated.