In GitLab by @Smibu on Aug 27, 2014, 13:46
Opettaja ja oppilas voivat kirjaantua samaan istuntoon, jolloin
jos opettaja on jossakin kohti menossa, oppilas voi nappia klikkaamalla päästä samaan kohtaa…
I am using Ubuntu 16.04 with Cmake 3.5.2. I am getting the following output when i try to make px4fmu-v2_default
`PX4 CONFIG: /home/kanishka/PX4/src/Firmware/build_px4fmu-v2_default
[ 0%] Built t…
I did not find any use of the 2 actions `CHECKOUT_RECO_RESOURCE` and `CHECKOUT_RECO_ALTERNATIVE`, neither background nor content side.
If useless, i will throw them away.
Build is currently broken for me when using the defaul Makefile generator instead of ninja. #6127 should help, making it to use ninja on Fedora, but it's not the proper fix.
More info:
Once https://github.com/insitu-project/kraft-backend/pull/52 is merged
To correctly map robot external wrenches to human external wrenches, we need to pass the robot joint positions for each instant to the [`processRobotWrenches`](https://github.com/claudia-lat/MAPest/bl…
I am exactly following https://pixhawk.org/modules/stm32f4discovery
But, I saw the following message.
error: pathspec 'NuttX/NxWidgets' did not match any file(s) known to git.
Did you forg…
Currently, https://preprod-lmem-craft-backend.cleverapps.io/api/v1/matchingcontexts returns :
> on va utiliser un format intermédiaire
> que l’on hydratera depuis un resultset de la DB
> ça va nous faire gagner des perfs
> et permettre une forme consistante
> et plus de flexibilité…
The issue is _well known_ https://github.com/insitu-project/proto-ext/blob/develop/src/app/events/trackEvents.js
We’ll have to find out a more reliable implementation, since many requests actually ex…