The modifiers declared [here](https://github.com/HPInc/HP-Digital-Microfluidics/blob/2efd03061fc313a385ca199ec220fd221a106500/mpam/src/mpam/monitor.py#L884) are being used when a click on the board ha…
Research if motion canvas is needed.
If it can be helpful refactor code using it
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So over the past few days I have been working on something big for K.TV, and I now feel I'm at a stage where I can announce what I am trying to do, since I have already succeeded to a degree. I have …
# Android 开发之旅之进阶
### 高级UI绘制
- [x] UI流程绘制分享
- UI源码级分析
- View的测量
- View的布局
- View的绘制过程
- 绘图及特效制作
- Paint画笔高级技能(Paint的方法使用技巧、高级渲染(BitmapShader位图渲染、LinearGradient线性渲染、RadialGradient…
In https://wicg.github.io/spatial-navigation, I've found myself wanting to refer to a scroll-able thing that isn't already scrolled to the maximum. (and in my case, I only cared about manually scrolla…
### Describe the project you are working on
Networked player movement with client-side prediction
### Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project
Quick summary of cl…
Two use cases:
1. Using interact or a slider that causes something to execute which say takes ~100 ms to complete, you don't want events to be delivered all the time, but you may want to update it sa…
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repositories, blog links, and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、博客链接和屏幕截图,…
I have here some double Queries:
its on: [Here is the Link](https://dev1.m-create.at/ (stagingwebsite))
Here is the [Screenshot](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/895t7wajutqutydh7f8ku/Bildschirmfoto…