I just tried osmtogtfs on Saarland and found out that several files are empty :(
Do you know what might be the cause?
While checking the output of osmtogtfs on the Saarland file (latest) I found out that lots of stop_sequences are created as 0,1.
I dont mean that the route has only 2 stops, but rather that somehow…
In `kamal` I decided to turn full validation on in the `dev` branch and throw an exception if the gtfs feed doesnt have the fields marked as `required` by the gtfs spec.
the route `short name` is o…
love this Radio app ! Thank you !
i have a idea : Nextcloud-app-TV
the same app, but with a 3th Frame where call the orginal pages with lifestream's
(autocheck Browsers Language)
http://fedora.clarin-d.uni-saarland.de/grug/, it is CC-BY, Tiger XML format.
I can't seem to pull or push from the production machine in Saarlands with the aclanthology user.
Can we debug this problem?
Followup to https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/1062... this will be running tally.
- [x] **Argentina**
- [x] **Argentina** roads are generally prefixed with 2 characters and the…
Some statistical offices updated their data on the electricity consumption per federal state. In case of Schleswig-Holstein significantly.
Therefore I'd like to update our numbers in tables demand.e…
With the latest fixes a new set of bugs appeared on the feed validation :(
Here is the output from the Saarland export
[FeedValidator: tmp.zip](https://github.com/hiposfer/osmtogtfs/files/1731466/…
Guten Tag,
ich habe ein Problem mit deinem Adapter er liest nichts von der seite aus
den fehler den ich im log bekomme ist folgender.
host.homeserver | 2017-12-26 16:18:06.623 | info | instance…