Configure a Limelight to detect whether there is a cone, cube, or no object in the collection zone. May involve acquiring a Coral. This data will be used for automatic gamepiece acquisition. Potent…
Hi! Per request from the python educators slack, I took a quick pass through the getting started guide. It's a really good framework! Here's some initial things to ponder, with much of this being com…
The public Pathfinder site has been down ever since it was patched two days ago. Is there something going on that no one else has reported this issue? I am in the US and others in my Corp reported thi…
#6.1 Minesweeper: objects and arrays
Ok, so we have a game board! (If you're not doing these in order, you need to: make sure you complete 6.0 first, or this will make no sense at all!) Now we need t…
* [サンフランシスコ市がトランプ氏提訴、大統領令「違憲で非米国的」 | ロイター](http://jp.reuters.com/article/sf-sues-trump-idJPKBN15F2H2)
* [Donald Trump plans to choke H1B, L1 visas by executive order | Business Standard News](http://…
Update the skills in Data Base for it to include all the soft and hard skills and IT talent can display :
- [x] run a prompt on chat GPT to extract all these skills
- [x] upload the list in the DB
This is a somewhat old article giving an overview of a few ideas proposed for or actually used in Lc0, but it hasn't be…
**[ UUID ]** d9591d49-db0a-40ed-bfc6-508003f8bbe3
**[ Session Name ]** Dungeon, dragons and security
**[ Primary Space ]** Privacy and Security
**[ Secondary Space ]** Youth Zone
**[ Submitter's N…
From what I understood, the initial idea was to have programmable cards that the players would program themselves, however people have been coming up with ideas for specific cards. Has the idea of the…
ghost updated
2 years ago