目前我所知道的只有 Hyson 哥走通了,[可以去看他博客](https://piaohanshenghuo.com/)。它的基本方法就是掌握了相关技能之后去清迈这种开销小的城市。
我知道这个东西一定是大势所趋,DAO 十年之内会替代传统互联网企业,因为它更灵活激励作用更强。
I liked the [Material Theme](http://forum.koohii.com/thread-13720.html) that @magnonellie made for Kanji Koohii. It reminded me the Flashcard Review page looks pretty cheesy today (imho) with some web…
- [x] Create the inventory file in /home/ansible/inventory.
- [ ] Configure the host group media to contain media1 and media2.
- [ ] Define the following variables for media with their accompanying …
is there a way to vary size of topic boxes below the photo. Box too small for some content; too big for others. Can we float the copy in each topic without box borders? Alternatively, add a "read more…
|[](https://github.com/dreid)| @dreid reported|
|Trac ID|trac#1569|
|Created|2006-03-13 20:50:42Z|
Currently IRequest contains several attributes which are used to access the…
## Abstract
One of the things that confuses new users is the concept of a local username. It's really unnecessary for most users. It's simply an identifier. That combined with the fact that most us…
**On-Chain with Wallet Security**
**Track 5 - Frontends. Focus on user onboarding & mobile clients**
Note: to qualify for prizes, project submissions in this category must build upon **[1…
**On-Chain with Wallet Security**
**Track 8 - Security. Formal verification, cryptography research**
Note: to qualify for prizes, project submissions in this category must build upon **[1…
### Requirements:
Build a permissionless and open liquidation system that incentivizes external actors to liquidate setts that fall below the system minimum collateralization ratio (MCR).
### Para…
i tried deploying the 2022 token on the solana playground (https://beta.solpg.io/) and i get
this error
Build error: Unable to build. If the problem persists, please consider creat…