When running make, multiple .c files compile fine, then compiling stops with several errors in SPI.c :
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega324p -Wall -I. -Ibitmaps -DF_CPU=…
I'm trying to compile for a CPX Bluefruit with Platform IO. Here is my platformio.ini file entry:
> [env:cplay52]
> platform = https://github.com/h2zero/platform-n-able.git#1.0.0
> board = adafru…
In GitLab by @bodgit on Dec 30, 2019, 13:33
I'm trying to use your software in conjunction with a TL866II+ to program some PIC12F629 chips and I'm struggling to understand the errors I'm gett…
Add a transparent serial bridge on port 2323 that would allow to interact with the printer as if it was connected to a serial port locally.
While a client is connected there, __all other activity n…
I was able to configure ComponentTester-1.47m firmware to work properly on a LCR-T5 meter, based on the STRIP_GRID_BOARD = 5 LCD port mapping found in Karl-Heinz firmware. In order for the LCD …
IDE: **_Arduino IDE 1.8.5_**
Unusual installation path: **_C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino_**
Sketchbook location: **_B:\Arduino-Dev_**
ESP32 installation path: **_B:\Arduino-Dev\hardware\espressif\…
This is a valid suggestion for the following products. It may also be valid for the AVR-DU/EB series and PICKit4.
- Curiosity Nano AVR16EB32
- Curiosity Nano AVR64DU32
diff --git a/src…
I just tried to upload a working Arduino sketch (based on your library) to my all new "Arduino NANO Every" (ATmega4809) and im receiving hints / error messages (see below). The Arduino sketch worked f…
I can't make a valid backup of the flash chip on my Lenovo x230. I'm using SOIC clip and `flashrom`. The chip is in-situ, not de-soldered. Here's what I've tried:
- shortened the cables as much as …
Arduino: 1.8.2 (Mac OS X), Board: "Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, 40MHz, QIO, 115200, 512K (64K SPIFFS), ck, Disabled, None"
Archiving built core (caching) in: /var/folders/0s/tcclhfjs2p92xhrr0yd0…