Perl's global var PL_hash_state_w is 24608 bytes long on 32b Win32 blead perl. That is 24608/4096=6.0078 OS pages of memory. I can't imagine 24KB of randomness being somehow more s…
### Reproduction steps
Unresolved reference: chip
### Bug prevalence
### GitHub hash of the SDK that was being used
### Platform
### Platform Version(s)
_No re…
- 下载地址[git](https://git-scm.com/download/win), https://git-scm.com/download/win
- 安装
- 确认安装完成
#git --version
如果提示'git' 不是内部或外部命令,请配置安装位置到环境变量。
# TortoiseGit安装与配置
- 下载地址[tortois…
Does anyone here build microg successfully with Android Studio ?
I know it's not offcially supported, but I hope there will be some instructions.
I'm still a newbie for programming, so sorry for ask…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.When an interface is not active for example an ethernet RJ45 cable which is
not connected you can't see the profile created with...same as it have been
The gtk+ version of pcmanfm/libfm can be extended in several places by using modules. Try to copy that behaviour to the Qt version.
PCMan updated
4 years ago
Recently I was struggling with changing the working directory of my python program.
If 'Current Working Directory' was not empty, trying to run would give an error when trying to be run.
When I type 'choco outdated' on cmd, the console has more updates than chocolateygui. In the past occurr sometimes. Example: today when running choco outdated it presented an update for atom and firef…
# GitHub 第一坑:换行符自动转换
## 源起
一直想在 GitHub 上发布项目、参与项目,但 Git 这货比较难学啊。买了一本《Git 权威指南》,翻了几页,妈呀,那叫一个复杂,又是 Cygwin 又是命令行的,吓得我不敢学了。
终于某天发现 GitHub 还有一个 Windows 客户端,试了一下还挺好用。不需要掌握太多的 Git 原理和命令,也可以在 GitHub …
trying to use git for windows on mounted GIT repos makes git crash repeatedly
anyone experienced this? I am looking for a workaround/fix
**EDIT**: I am definitely [not the only one](http://superuser…