If you want to delete some jobs of the registry, `removeExperiments(ids)` will delete all result files and not only the results with the specified ids!
Here an example:
To allow using multiple processes on Windows.
Could use `snow::makeSockCluster()` and the internal but exported `snow::sendCall()` and related functions.
We had this
which was not working and thus deleted.
Maybe we want to integra…
reg = makeRegistry(file.dir = NA)
ids = batchMap(function(x) {Sys.sleep(x)}
, x = c(2, 6, 6, 6, 4)
ids = chunkIds(ids)
submitJobs(ids, res…
I am getting my results with
reduceResultsDataTable(ids = ids_classif, fun = function(r) as.data.frame(as.list(r)), reg = regis, fill = TRUE)`
and it takes about 5 hours (50000 jobs). Is there a w…