The WW15MGH.DAC Binary EGM Grid File is not available from the NGA Website.
The GPS Logger App is unable to download the file (a 404 is returned).
On the NGA website the EGM Grid is available, in …
I have an ABB YuMi with State Machine 1.1 installed.
I am trying to reproduce [Example 3 from the abb_robot_bringup_examples](https://github.com/ros-industrial/abb_robot_driver/tree/master/abb_robot_…
The GeoidKarney class fails to close the underlying EGM file when the class goes out of scope.
Below is a minimal example to describe the problem.
from pygeodesy.geoids import GeoidKarney
Recently earth-info.nga.mil switched to https.
The authentication needs TLS 1.2 that, sadly, is not available on Android 4.x.
My project requires modifying the transformation matrix to get the Jacobine matrix for a virtual link. I tried to get the transformation matrix between two joints using TF.listener, but the fre…
I've built `abb_libegm_samples` and `abb_libegm` in the same catkin_ws. After sourcing the setup.bat (I'm using Windows), and running `rosrun abb_libegm_samples a2_pose_trajectory_node`, the outp…
I've found that the MAX_TRAJ_LENGTH is defined in ROS_common.sys, which is 100.
But, in my applicatio…
Through this issue [#57 ]([https://github.com/ros-industrial/abb_libegm/issues/57]) , I found that the external axis is controlled through EGM, but I have a question. For using EGM to control the exte…
I found these abb_libegm samples from [issue #18](https://github.com/ros-industrial/abb_libegm/issues/18#issuecomment-457592204) and want to experiment with them to see if they can help me out. I…