Copied from exercism/exercism.io#272 reported by @BrianHicks
This is a placeholder issue for converting ruby/clojure exercises to Python.
(I'm thinking ruby/clojure since Python is a mix of OO…
This is a placeholder issue for keeping track of porting assignments to Lisp, or noting why they may not be applicable. (This list shamelessly stolen from https://github.com/exercism/xclojure/issues/1…
This seems like a pretty awesome framework. However, I'm currently not able to run `xcake make` on my XCode project.
My current environment is as follows:
XCode version: 7.3.1 (7D1014)
Ruby 2.…
Copied from exercism/exercism.io#1125
To implement C# in a lightweight manner, we need to sidestep creating a project file for every exercise. Using a project also makes it difficult to port to …
When I run `exercism status python` all of the exercises that I have submitted are listed under `
Exercises fetched but not submitted:`
After upgrading to the latest revision, my instance of huginn on a heroku hobby dyno isn't starting any more.
This is the heroku logs output:
2016-04-13T06:14:03.388873+00:00 app[web.1]: [98b0c2…
Please, take a look at this https://github.com/jcampbell05/xcake/issues/101
NameError: uninitialized constant Net::SSH::Buffer::ED25519
/home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1@application-development/gems/net-ssh-4.0.0.alpha4/lib/net/ssh/buffer.rb:259:in `read_keyblob'
I'm probably doing something wrong here but figured I'd submit this and see if it could be an issue with the gem. I have a Rails 4.2 project with gem dependencies up to date. I'm trying to update rspe…
I'm seeing security warnings and model warnings in a rails 4 app for mass assignment. I believe mass assignment is prohibited in rails 4 by default, however. Am I doing something wrong or should brake…