![screenshot 2018-07-18 at 9 10 33 pm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13044958/42892584-ca5504e2-8acf-11e8-98c0-94ff1d9d8c9c.png)
I've installed the FlightAirMap with Nginx - MySQL and i…
- What problem does it solve?
When using ADSB to determine if there are vehicles around to be avoided, it's helpful to know if the vehicle is a plane or helicopter as helicopters typically more unpre…
Hello, and thanks for putting this together.
I assume the general instructions are to git clone this repo, edit the variables and then run "docker-compose up"?
Also, do you know if I can run wat…
![Screenshot from 2024-07-25 20-53-02](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a5d763a2-ac45-44b5-9473-0ae8cc174515)
It would be great to be able to limit the aircraft displayed to those within a set distance to the receiver for the purpose of gauging rough aircraft noise and generate stats. Is this easy to implemen…
Please could you provide an [SDR enthusiasts](https://sdr-enthusiasts.gitbook.io/ads-b/) style docker image or instructions on how to setup an multifeeder destination in the readme?
I've have an AD…
### Issue URL (Incorrect Blocking)
### Screenshots
It seems (to me at least) that when an aircraft is transmitting both ADS-B and UAT and I am running tar1090 with both inputs consolidated, tar1090 will show the Source as ADS-B instead of UAT. It wo…
Created to continue the discussion that is slightly lost here: https://github.com/MaxWinterstein/homeassistant-addons/commit/5be38c6d740f4645bb49719c5497db1b6d72f36c
@plo53 It looks good, will try …
Prüfen wo "expect radar vectors" noch mit in die ATIS muss/sollte.