mpentler / oarc-adsb-scripts

Feed OARC's ADS-B map using an existing receiver running readsb / dump1090 / piaware / Raspbian / Linux
MIT License
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Provide an SDR enthusiasts docker image or multifeeder instructions #2

Open natm opened 1 year ago

natm commented 1 year ago

Please could you provide an SDR enthusiasts style docker image or instructions on how to setup an multifeeder destination in the readme?

I've have an ADSB install in West Wales for 7 years now, over that time I've been asked to feed more and more sites (which I'm happy to do!). Being able to just spin up another container is really handy.

Here is a snapshot of my install showing the 5 destinations and my Docker compose config...

mpentler commented 1 year ago

I will be completely honest, I do not really do much docker or container stuff at all. I will look into it though. This script is cloned from's repo, which is cloned from adsbexchange's repo, and I think there are containers available for those sites. So I imagine I can just modify something and get it to work.

Let me get back to you later on this week perhaps, and thanks for your interest through our mutual contact. You could, for now, graft a Beast feed with a --net-connector line in another feeder, but that is messy :)

mpentler commented 1 year ago

Ok - I think this isn't too bad. I can see how new feeders get added. Is it worth me hosting a second repo for this? Or is this something I can include in this repo? Again, not the best at this kinda thing...

Edit: I think I need to use this as it's the newfangled thing to do this with -

Do I literally just need to make a docker-compose.yml and stick it in my repo?

mpentler commented 1 year ago

I think you just need to edit your docker_compose.yml file and add a line for the beast and MLAT feeds:

To READSB_NET_CONNECTOR add:,30004,beast_reduce_plus_out

To MLAT_CONFIG add:,31090,next free results port

There's more on the link you posted on how to get it working, I think you have the reload the containers. Just use these lines ^ in place of the example given.

Do you want to test that out for me?