mpentler / oarc-adsb-scripts

Feed OARC's ADS-B map using an existing receiver running readsb / dump1090 / piaware / Raspbian / Linux
MIT License
5 stars 0 forks source link

OARC ADS-B feed client

1: Find antenna coordinates and elevation

Coordinates: Elevation:

2: Install the feed client

curl -L -o /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/

3: Use netstat to check that your feed is working

The feed IP for the OARC ADS-B map is

netstat -t -n | grep -E '30004|31090'

Expected Output:

tcp        0    182 localhost:43530      ESTABLISHED
tcp        0    410 localhost:47332      ESTABLISHED

You can also check your ADS-B feed status (but not MLAT yet) at

4: Optional: Install local interface for your data

The interface will be available at http://192.168.X.XX/oarc-adsb - no need to do this if you already have an overall local view running. This oarc-adsb local view will only display MLAT results returned by the OARC server, whereas an overall local view will show results from all websites that you feed.

Replace the IP address with the address of your Raspberry Pi.

Install / Update:

sudo bash /usr/local/share/oarc-adsb/git/


sudo bash /usr/local/share/tar1090/ oarc-adsb

Update the feed client without reconfiguring

curl -L -o /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/

If you encounter issues, please do a reboot and then supply these logs on Discord (last 20 lines for each is sufficient):

sudo journalctl -u oarc-adsb-feed --no-pager

Display the configuration

cat /etc/default/oarc-adsb

Changing the configuration

This is the same as the initial installation. If the client is up to date it should not take as long as the original installation, otherwise this will also update the client which will take a moment.

curl -L -o /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/

Restart the feed client

sudo systemctl restart oarc-adsb-feed

Show status

sudo systemctl status oarc-adsb-feed

Removal / disabling the services

sudo bash /usr/local/share/oarc-adsb/

If the above doesn't work, you can just disable the services and the scripts won't run anymore:

sudo systemctl disable --now oarc-adsb-feed