Yarn 2 with pnp and strict resolution complains about missing transient peer dependency on react-dom.
> @ant-design/icons@npm:4.4.0 doesn't provide react-dom, requested by rc-util
See ant-design…
### Describe the bug
- In Grommet Icons
Some icons in Grommet icons are not displayed. i can't use icons like GrAscending, GrCaretRightFill .. etc
and react icons website doesn't show the…
I came across this pretty large svg icon pack, that I plan to use in Excalidraw. And was wondering if I should also add i…
Failed to compile
TypeScript error in C:/Users/Viki/Documents/react-way-of-samurai/node_modul…
在icons-react目录下执行yarn后,再运行yarn start命令,报部分文件解析不到的错误,分析后发现是icons-react/example/tooltip.tsx文件里面引入了Tooltip组件,去掉该组件后正常。
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@ant-design/icons/Chec…
### Reproduction link
[![Edit on CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/anticon-spin-nextjs-zv6l85?layout=%257B%2522sidebarPanel%2522%…
# antd 体系迁移到 OBUI
## antd => @oceanbase/design
- [x] antd => @oceanbase/design
- [x] antd/locale/xxx => @oceanbase/design/locale/xxx
- [x] antd/es/xxx => @oceanbase/design/es/xxx
- [x] antd/lib…
## The dependency [antd](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design) was updated from `3.17.0` to `3.18.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/BIT-IdeaFactory/BITbot-front-end/compare/master..…
## The devDependency [antd](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design) was updated from `3.20.6` to `3.20.7`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/mgibeau/teksavvy-dashboard/compare/master...mg…
## Screenshot
## Description
On the List Roles page, there seems to be an icon in the “Actions” but…