Hi, I downloaded the dataset and the format of all audio files are m4a.
But the code in audioVisual_dataset used "wavfile.read()" directly.
Does that mean I have to convert the audio files from m4a …
### Question / bug report
ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored
Using calibre Qt style: True
calibre Debug log
calibre 7.6 embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'Win…
## Creator of issue
Manonmani Restif & Louis Vignaud
SIAF – Archives de France
vns2 updated
4 months ago
**Use Case Description**
Exact same video content exists in three different files, the only difference being bitrate, frame size or file format.
**Object Class**
**How objects rel…
Estabelecer a metodologia para a coleta e curadoria dos depoimentos ao Observatório ICT, com base na Tecnologia Social da Memória [3], desenvolvida pelo Museu da Pessoa, de modo a enriquecer o acervo …
FieldException: Attempt to create an instance of field contributor_field_collection on bundle audiovisual that already has an instance of that field. in field_create_instance() (line 509 of drupal7/mo…
Bom dia.
Há algum modo de se permitir a consulta à base bibliográfica principal apenas a usuários cadastrados e logados?
No Biblivre5 o acesso está aberto e, como temos material **audiovisual** e a…
The following page has a broken link:
I'd love to snag a copy of the materials. If anyone (@…
En este issue vamos a definir que tipos de productos que vamos a incluir de scienti en la colección works.
Similar a como se hizo para los productos…
**Use Case Description**
Multiple video files comprise a single 'work', as they were split at the 4gig FAT32 limit.
**Object Class**
Complex audiovisual
**How objects relate to our records**