Hi guys,
I was trying out your fantastic tool and found a small bug.
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* **I'm s…
There are two unexpected behavior in the `tabular_feature_validator.py`:
1. `0` in categorical viewed as `NaN` if there is `NaN` in a column
2. A bug from sklearn
For both behaviors, I used the f…
I've just installed autoPyTorch getting this msg in the end:
`Finished processing dependencies for autoPyTorch==0.1.0`
When trying to import AutoNetRegression or AutoNetClassification I get…
Why do we need that many variables now?
Most information is in the BaseDataset, isn't it?
Let's try reducing variable numbers as much as possible,
because it will be painful when you create tests a…
Termin oddania: 7.04 - prezentacja na zajęciach
Liczba punktów: 8 pkt.
Wykonywana w zespołach projektowych
Każdy zespół projektowy ma zadanie wybrać jeden z istniejących pakietów do AutoML (każdy…
Enable the pipeline to ignore the less frequent class. We should do this in a way that the pipeline can learn this. In other words, we should add a step in the pipeline that can ignore an infrequent f…
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* **I'm s…
In the old implementation of autopytorch, there is fast ICA as a feature preprocessor. However, due to a [bug]("https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/2738") in scikit learn's implementatio…
def Clf_trainer(x_train, y_train, save_path, r_seed):
print('[INFO] : data prepare \n')
(tra_X, tra_y), (val_X, val_y) = prepare_train_data(x_train, y_train, resampling=False, val_ratio…