I run seGMM using command:seGMM -vcf /ddn/data/BDC/Analysis/NGS_Analysis/habusamra/230920_A00840_0041_AHGMT3DRX3/Alignment_Germline_Aziz/PBG-862-23_S3_HaplotypeCaller.vcf -i test.txt -a BAM -t WES -n…
- with high reduction and gyro feedback, BDC motors can potentially be used
- needs different motor driver hardware and logic
- value is weight/size reduction
When I run `lspci -s 05:00.0 -vvv`, I see a row:
Kernel modules: bdc_pci
After (and between) running: `sudo modprobe -r bdc_pci` and `sudo modprobe facetimehd`,
lspci still says bdc_pci.
Noticed some differences while comparing Snapshot view:
| BeModelVaccination | BeVaccination |
| -------------- | -------------- |
| vaccinationDate[x] cardinality 0..1 | occurrence[x] cardinality…
Would be useful if the WTSS (R) jupyters pointed to BDC WTSS URL:
Issue Type: Bug
If for some reason the connection fails, all you get is spinn…
In issue #22 it says the bodyLocalisation has cardinality 0..1.
Online https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/fhir/core-clinical/StructureDefinition-be-problem.html a cardinality of 0..* is noted.
see: https://be-ehealth-standards.atlassian.net/jira/servicedesk/projects/ESI/queues/issue/ESI-896
add example from the Smals Confluence.