The spec: https://github.com/ome/ngff
A python library: https://github.com/ome/ome-zarr-py
A viewer: https://github.com/hms-dbmi/vizarr
Some of us would like to work with Variation Graphs using the standardized W3C technologies centered around RDF. We can do this outside of the GA4GH but would prefer that it is made part of the GA4GH …
On mouse-over on a path, or by right clicking and selecting from a menu, those bins and links should be highlighted (e.g. in black), through which this path traverses.
Right click has the advantage t…
Similar to PubChem and Wikidata, we'd like to make our data accessible.
@okoepler, @hujo91 and @bhavin2897 would like to do metadata harvesting and create a search service and are looking for a coll…
At this moment the dump processor seems to be sequential and uses only one of the 60 cores in our server.
This can be seen with `htop`
It would be nice to do some research about how we can paral…
labra updated
2 years ago
Posted by @schymane in https://github.com/egonw/ELIXIR-Tox/issues/10#issuecomment-388739436:
A few examples
(a) in R packages documented with roxygen available in github (not on CRAN/BioC)
(b) in…
egonw updated
4 years ago
Hello, i'm facing to an issues, because i got inconsystency in the standard way so i need your help to get an answer : how to instantiate two regions on opposite strand with two equivalent extremities…
FYI: seen at BioHackathon with @proccaserra
erwan@computer:~/Code/plant-brapi-to-isa$ sudo docker run -it -v /home/erwan/Code/plant-brapi-to-isa/outputdir:/outputdir brapi2isa -t aHR0cHM6Ly9kb2…
``` sparql
PREFIX uniprotkb:
PREFIX faldo:
PREFIX taxon:
PREFIX skos:
SELECT ?MainGeneName ?SwissProtAC ?FTId ?aa_change ?type ?dbsnp ?disease