I can do backup but restore doesn't work
cain backup -n dev-cassandra -c dev-cassandra -l release=dev-cassandra -k hero --dst s3:/xxxx/cassandra
2019/03/05 19:13:21 Backup started!
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://citation-js.toolforge.org/api/v1/quickstatements/isbn/978-0134093413' \
-H 'accept: text/plain'
LAST P31 Q3331189
LAST Len "Campbell Biology"
I have a new method I think may be helpful for finding troublesome duplicates. First, here is the problem I'm having which I'm not sure the current filter options can solve (filter hardness, word simi…
Do you have any plans to support Google Cloud Storage as the storage provider for Cain? A very different API I realize and work implied - just wondering whether it's a possible future op…
The NEST models ``glif_psc`` and ``glif_cond`` from [1] should be ported to NESTML.
Hi! I'm new to Saltcorn, and desperately trying to understand.
Cain I populate tables or other elements in Saltcorn? Let's say pull data from Airtable or Supabase or Notion, and create repeating elem…
With the SDK, the ethers package is being included as a devDependency which means that it has to be installed separately when using the package.
This should be a dependency instead.
Appreciate your course and am using it this term, but a student just alerted me to an issue that may require a change to Chapter 5. The video associated with the module describes how the warden of An…
I would like to offer XACT3 support for your consideration. I also have
some samples attached (they are remarkably simillar to the directx SDK
Original issue reported on code.goog…
I'm really enjoying playing with this software. Thanks for making it available!
I'm noticing that it works really well on details and features that move over a small percentage of the screenspace …