I am currently working on Caltech dataset, and have completed upto the evaluation stage by running ./eval_caltech/dbEval.m file. I have gotten the eval-newReasonable.txt file as well.
The question …
I am trying to train the network with KITTI data set. (http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_object.php)
I notice the files I downloaded has the following structure:
Hi, @AlexeyAB, I have some questions about my task: persons detection on Jetson Nano. For this task I will use the camera that will be ~3 meters above the floor and my system needs to detect persons (…
Great works !
I followed instruction at: https://github.com/Zhongdao/Towards-Realtime-MOT/blob/master/DATASET_ZOO.md.
However, with Caltech Pedestrian dataset, I downloaded all *.tar file from: h…
I saw that there are some evaluation scripts under examples/kitti_result, but is seems that these are for kitti? So if I want to evaluate the results on caltech, am I supposed to use run_mscnn_de…
Hi, Thanks for the amazing work! The paper and repo has been super helpful.
One question I have is regarding the available pre-trained models. For these models, did you pre-train them on CrowdHuma…
I want to extract labels from KAIST Multispectral Pedestrian Detection Dataset, which provides .vbb files in YOLO format. the given code does not seem to work.
When I download the Caltech dataset from this link: http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/CaltechPedestrians/datasets/USA/
The format of images are .seq and there is no .png, .jpg and .txt in…
Will you support for vehicle dataset too, such as UA-DETRAC?
btw I create UA-DETRAC to Caltech Pedestrian dataset here:
Thank you for the work,I use ssd7 to train Caltech pedestrian dataset with parse_xml( ) , after 3 epochs the loss is 4.6166 and val_loss is 3.7410.I want to know the training effect,evaluating the…