Hello again,
We are trying to provision the CDP environment via the Ansible collection (https://cloudera-labs.github.io/cloudera.cloud/env.html ) and failing miserably with the following error. We …
### **NOTE FROM PROTON TEAM: The game will not currently run stably on NVIDIA, we don't advise to attempt to run it; if you do, please do NOT report additional issues about this known problem. Please …
### 🐛 Describe the bug
The [PyTorch mnist example](https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/main/mnist) failed to work on a machine with preinstalled cuDNN, and manually install PyTorch 2.2.0 (`pip i…
# Global Sprint Planning
## 3 things that might take us down
1. Clickhouse fire rages
# Team sprint planning
For your team sprint planning copy this template into a comment belo…
Downstream report: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2112782
### What happened?
I used to launch docker-selenium with the following command:
`docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 7900:7900 --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome:4.18.1-20240224`
then decided t…
# Global Sprint Planning
## 3 things that might take us down
# Team sprint planning
For your team sprint planning copy this template into a comment below for each team.
I am running code tunnel on one of our clusters.
[zyzhang@sh02-ln02 login ~]$ ./code --version
code-cli 1.75.1 (commit 441438abd1ac652551dbe4d408dfcec8a499b8bf)
When I run code …
## Version **1.6.1** of **puppeteer** was just published.
Build failing 🚨
I want to see if an AMD card works out of the box with the drivers built into Linux, as everyone on the Internet seems to say. For X86 Linux, that definitely seems to be the case, but will it work on …