ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Cyberpunk 2077 (1091500) #4450

Open julienbenjamin opened 3 years ago

julienbenjamin commented 3 years ago

NOTE FROM PROTON TEAM: The game will not currently run stably on NVIDIA, we don't advise to attempt to run it; if you do, please do NOT report additional issues about this known problem. Please see this comment for more details about current status and known issues.

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


Avatar's face does not render.


1) Click on "Play" on the Steam client 2) Run the game via the CDPR launcher without account 3) Start a new game 4) When avatar is displayed, his/her face is not rendered. Same in-game.



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Niedzwiedzw commented 3 years ago

just tried running on manjaro linux + proton 5.0, my gfx card is 1080 (not TI) the game does not run, it's just a black box gonna try on proton 5.13 now

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago notes that the game currently needs Proton 5.13-4 or newer and mesa git. That implies that Proton builds older than today will not work and there's more issues to be worked out between the game, vkd3d-proton, and the nVidia proprietary driver. Proton Experimental is recommended, as it contains performance improvements and bug fixes for this game.

From @Plagman posted at

There's a couple of known sound issues by now:

    No enemy gunshot sounds
    No car radio
    No background NPC dialogue

Audio fix available for testing in Proton e‍xperimental-5.13-shmem-20201214.

Proton Experimental experimental-5.13-20201218c known audio quirks:

Audio fix available for testing in Proton e‍xperimental-5.13-20210115.

NVIDIA proprietary drivers older than 455.xx will have graphics artifacts and all current NVIDIA drivers are generally expected to crash and freeze. The game will not currently run stably on NVIDIA, we don't advise to attempt to run it, and if you do please do not report additional issues about this known problem.

Some distros allow you to multi-slot a point release of mesa and mesa git. In that situation, the game can pick up the older version of mesa/radv and have a hard time. Also, AMDVLK (v-2020.Q4.5) and AMDGPU-PRO (20.45) is not expected to work with the game right now. Having them installed might cause the game to fail to start.

Updating mesa is not needed or beneficial if you use the nVidia proprietary driver. They are completely unrelated driver stacks.

~The game might crash on pre-AVX CPUs.~ Triaged by game update 1.05.

Niedzwiedzw commented 3 years ago

image after clicking "sign up" the console shows 2020-12-10 01:38:47.575 [Information][ (0)] [TID 768][red-launcher]: Skipping sending event 'view_focused' because it's disabled (view 'login'). and this happens ![Uploading image.png…]()

not sure if it's linux specific

Niedzwiedzw commented 3 years ago

I managed to succesfully go into the main menu on Proton 5.13.4, redownloading the game now to play in Polish :D

G-Alevizos commented 3 years ago

Any luck with changing the PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU env variable?

ruslang02 commented 3 years ago

Radeon RX 5600XT, Proton 5.13-4, Manjaro, linux 5.9.12


On 5.21-GE the game has artifacts.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @ruslang02, what version of mesa are you using? Anything older than mesa git from a couple days ago is older than should be used with this game.

fatino commented 3 years ago

With mesa-git 21.0(compiled 1 hour ago) proton 5.13-4 and rx 470:

EDIT: Normal mesa from repo 20.3.4 does exactly the same. At least steam works properly.

alex9k1 commented 3 years ago

Just tried the game for a few minutes. Seems to work fine on Arch + Radeon VII. Had to install mesa-git and vulkan-radeon-git. Before that, ingame screen and characters in character creation were all completely black.

Performance could be better tho, but still able to play with 60FPS.

ben-romer commented 3 years ago

I was able to play through for 30 minutes or so, on 5.13-4 Proton, Nvidia driver 455.45.01, Ubuntu 20.04 with kernel 5.4.0-56-generic. I had to drop the settings to low to get a reasonable framerate, but I'm also on a GTX980M so that's not really surprising.

If you're on NVidia and getting a black screen, try dropping the settings some.

Trezamere commented 3 years ago

I was also able to play briefly before I needed to step away, Fedora 33, Proton Experimental

kernel 5.9.12-200.fc33.x86 2070 super driver version: 455.45.01 mesa 20.2.3

framerate was around 30 fps but everything maxed, will report back later with more detail.

Getting crashes after about 30 minutes of play +-. Journal shows the following, someone mentioned might be related to VRAM? Will check.

kernel: NVRM: GPU at PCI:0000:0a:00: GPU-9436b076-8c43-5f1e-da15-4e783ada041b
kernel: NVRM: GPU Board Serial Number: 
kernel: NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 31, pid=8003, Ch 000000be, intr 00000000. MMU Fault: ENGINE GRAPHICS GPCCLIENT_T1_0 faulted @ 0x1_91c80000. Fault is of type FAULT_PTE ACCESS_TYPE_VIRT_READ
class101 commented 3 years ago

There I don't have the invisible skin issue, I did not find any issue beside the fact the game does not detect my low end specs and tend to choose the High graphic level, have to tune it to low or so to have a better performance.

I did not installed mesa-git, just all updated from the Arch repo

Steam Client Beta (In Steam > Settings > Account > I choose Steam Beta Update) Proton 5.13-4

Nvidia 455.45.01-6 extra/mesa 20.3.0-3

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Kernel: 5.9.13-arch1-1 Uptime: 1 hour, 6 mins Packages: 1015 (pacman) Shell: bash 5.1.0 Resolution: 1920x1080 DE: Cinnamon 4.8.2 WM: Mutter (Muffin) WM Theme: Mojave-dark (Mojave-dark) Theme: Mojave-dark [GTK2/3] Icons: McMojave-circle [GTK2/3] Terminal: guake CPU: Intel i7-4770K (8) @ 3.900GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Memory: 2538MiB / 15942MiB`


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RookySoap commented 3 years ago

I have a GTX 970, Ubuntu 20.10, kernel 5.8.0-31-generic, nVidia driver 450.80.02, Proton 5.13-4. Game crashes on startup, after displaying the CD Projekt Red logo, and goes to a black screen

lostpolaris commented 3 years ago

Bump, running Manjaro Linux, Proton 5.13-4 and latest mesa drivers (5700XT), running into Artifacting crash after launching game from launcher.

udev commented 3 years ago
Getting the following crash log after clicking "play" from the launcher using proton 5.13-4

``` Registered crash info file... InternalVersion: 3.0.3214677 P4CL: 4155897 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Patch0Hotfix2 !!!CRASHED!!! Error Reason: Assert Expression: commonFileLoaded Message: Failed to load in-game config file from 'Z:\home\steamsteam\debian-installation\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config\settings\options.json' File: e:\r6.patch0hotfix2\dev\src\common\redconfig\src\ingameconfigreader.cpp Line: 449 "uptimeSeconds":0 "stopThreadID":139 "exceptionCode":0x80000003` "processID":138 "Engine/CommitFailedErrorCode@1#TID=0":"0" "Configuration/Name@2#TID=0":"FINAL" "Configuration/Name2@3#TID=0":"FINAL" "Game/Patch@7#TID=0":"1.03" "Engine/OOM@4#TID=0":"false" "GlobalMode/IsClosing@5#TID=0":"false" "GlobalMode/IsGame@6#TID=0":"false" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxLatentJobs@8#TID=0":"131072" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxCriticalPathJobs@9#TID=0":"65536" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxImmediateJobs@10#TID=0":"2048" "Jobs/InitParam/WorkerThreadStackSizeKB@11#TID=0":"1024" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxThreads@12#TID=0":"27" "Jobs/InitParam/AllJobsCriticalPath@14#TID=0":"false" "Jobs/InitParam/UseJobDebugger@13#TID=0":"false" "Jobs/Dispatcher/NumDispatcherThreads@15#TID=0":"3" "Jobs/Dispatcher/MaxHWConcurrency@16#TID=0":"4" "##CrashDump##/DumpCrashDataSeconds":"0" ```

Was able to locate an options.json in ~/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config/settings but I'm struggling with where to put it 😅

fatino commented 3 years ago
Journalctl after cdp logo and black screen:

``` gru 10 02:52:53 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: GPU fault detected: 146 0x0000480c for process Cyberpunk2077.e pid 5602 thread Cyberpunk2:cs0 pid 5643 gru 10 02:52:53 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: VM_CONTEXT1_PROTECTION_FAULT_ADDR 0x00000000 gru 10 02:52:53 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: VM_CONTEXT1_PROTECTION_FAULT_STATUS 0x0604800C gru 10 02:52:53 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: VM fault (0x0c, vmid 3, pasid 32786) at page 0, read from 'TC4' (0x54433400) (72) gru 10 02:52:58 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_dm_atomic_commit_tail [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Waiting for fences timed out! gru 10 02:53:04 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_dm_atomic_commit_tail [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Waiting for fences timed out! gru 10 02:53:04 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_dm_atomic_commit_tail [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Waiting for fences timed out! gru 10 02:53:04 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring gfx timeout, signaled seq=97333, emitted seq=97336 gru 10 02:53:04 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Process information: process Cyberpunk2077.e pid 5602 thread Cyberpunk2:cs0 pid 5643 gru 10 02:53:04 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: GPU reset begin! gru 10 02:53:08 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: failed to suspend display audio gru 10 02:53:08 greyhill kernel: amdgpu: cp is busy, skip halt cp gru 10 02:53:08 greyhill kernel: amdgpu: rlc is busy, skip halt rlc gru 10 02:53:08 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: GPU BACO reset gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: GPU reset succeeded, trying to resume gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm] PCIE GART of 256M enabled (table at 0x000000F400300000). gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm] VRAM is lost due to GPU reset! gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125! gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: [drm:amdgpu_ring_test_helper [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring comp_1.2.1 test failed (-110) gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125! gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm] UVD and UVD ENC initialized successfully. gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125! gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm] VCE initialized successfully. gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm] recover vram bo from shadow start gru 10 02:53:09 greyhill kernel: [drm] recover vram bo from shadow done ```

iWeaker commented 3 years ago

For all NVIDIA Debian / Ubuntu users. the latest NVIDIA drivers are required, 455 as it includes extensions necessary for its correct functionality.

Ubuntu PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-455

crypnull commented 3 years ago

Bump, running Manjaro Linux, Proton 5.13-4 and latest mesa drivers (5700XT), running into Artifacting crash after launching game from launcher.

Same problem, same drivers, same card, only difference is I'm on base Arch not Manjaro.

yoyossef commented 3 years ago

I'm stuck on "Preparing to launch..." with my 6800XT and mesa-git, can't even get in-game.


arBalasquide commented 3 years ago

Anyone having audio issues? I get static noise that can be fixed with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 but I can't hear gunshots, club music nor NPCs talking.

cabal19421 commented 3 years ago

Debian Testing kernel 5.9.0-4-amd64 steam proton 5.13-4 OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 20.2.3 LLVM 11.0.0 RX580

attempted to use proton-experimental, no change.

attempted to use all low video settings, no change.

attempted to use all ultra video settings, no change.

attempted to try different vsync, no change.

Read above someone else had this issue too but they run Arch and grabbed mesa-git and vulkan-radeon-git both of which isn't available on Debian without manual intervention which I don't want to do.

There are two alternative drivers, amdpro and amdvlk that can be used, will report back on results after switching.

mattlennon3 commented 3 years ago

I can boot the game and walk around. Some issues are that I can't hear npcs and it shows controller icons only, even though I am using the keyboard to move. 20fps on low graphics settings. Arch 5.4.81-1-lts Nvidia 455.45.01 GTX1070 Proton 5.13-4

TheFynx commented 3 years ago

I'm in game and playing, hasn't crashed yet. No invisible/blacked out models issues or artifacting. Though horrible FPS at any graphics setting. About to test in windows for comparison, though I've heard it's just as bad. So probably needs Dev updates.

No launch options

Running Pure Arch Linux


** Updating with windows comparison for my dual boot just for reference of performance between Windows/Linux-Proton

McMarius11 commented 3 years ago

game runs but the performance is extremely bad.

on low 30 - 35 fps 1920x1080

Proton 5.13-14

Distro:Manjaro Linux Kernel:5.9.12-1-MANJARO RAM:24 GB GPU Driver:NVIDIA 455.45.01 GPU:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 CPU:Intel Core i5-7600K @ 3.80GHz

niculw commented 3 years ago

@cabal19421 I see same behavior in pop_os 20.10, running kernel 5.9.10 and proton 5.13-4. Using a 5700xt.

b10rn commented 3 years ago

I cannot hear any NPC conversations. The problems with black textures were solved by installing mesa-git. Performance seems to be good, but I have only played for a few minutes.

Arch Linux Radeon RX 5700 Proton experimental

RookySoap commented 3 years ago

iWeaker4you's advice works, game runs with the 455 driver. One thing I noticed is that the game freezes for me when my VRAM usage hits 100%, so I just put my textures setting to low

xioren commented 3 years ago

As with others (with nvidia), game runs but poor performance. Audio crackling, adding PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=40 helped. Missing audio, especially in the club scene (voices + music). Sometimes when I start the game the launcher just shows a black box and does nothing, retrying usually works. I have had several hard freezes that I have to SIGKILL to recover from.

Linux Mint 20 Kernel 5.8.0-31 Nvidia GTX 1070 Driver: 455.38 Intel i7-6700k 16g ram

RafaelAmauri commented 3 years ago

Arch Linux Kernel 5.9.13-arch1-1 Steam proton 5.13-14 LLVM 11.0.0-4 Mesa-git 21.0.0_devel.132197.3f0da800eb4-1 i3 9100F RX 580 8GB 16GB RAM

Here's the log: steam-1091500.log

I'm essentially having the same problem as @fatino described

I also tested with mesa 20.3.0-3, and the same thing happens

fubarhouse commented 3 years ago

Spent a little bit of time over lunch looking into this as I have some time next week to commit to it.

Having some issues with a black screen after character creation, and this is the root cause. By turning everything to low I was able to limit VRAM usage below what is available and I can now get the game running between 20 and 40FPS. Keep in mind I'm temporarily using a 1650S.

I noticed is that the game freezes for me when my VRAM usage hits 100%

Seems the game doesn't understand the GPU I'm using and tries to over-allocate, and this actually makes a bit of sense with a couple of other titles I've seen before.

julienbenjamin commented 3 years ago

For all NVIDIA Debian / Ubuntu users. the latest NVIDIA drivers are required, 455 as it includes extensions necessary for its correct functionality.

Ubuntu PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-455

Better use Experimental package on Debian than installing Nvidia drivers through a PPA (

brandonegbert commented 3 years ago

Performance seems pretty good and about what I'd expect on Windows.

5700XT, mesa-git, Proton 5.13-4, Arch. I get around 35-50 FPS on high at 1440p. I'm also experiencing lack of NPC voices and missing music in the club in the opener.

Skivet commented 3 years ago

I installed Mesa 21.0 and Proton 5.13-4, running Arch Linux and a 5700xt.

Game launches, but after the first splash screen my GPU crashes and hard locks on some beautiful artifacts, similar to what @RafaelAmauri and @fatino are reporting.

Edit: Adding journalctl log journalctl.log

jerbmega commented 3 years ago

Is anybody else not hearing any radio music while in vehicles / in the bedroom? I'm using Proton Experimental, although the same thing happened in 5.13-4.

Plagman commented 3 years ago

There's a couple of known sound issues by now:

Can people still getting a GPU hang on the initial menu despite running AMD + mesa-git paste the output of the 'vulkaninfo' command? (vulkan-tools package on Arch)

codeman101 commented 3 years ago

worked fine for me off my GTX 960 After upgrading the nvidia driver from 450 to 455 and putting the graphics on the lowest possible. I haven't played far enough in the game to confirm that Plagman said for sound issues. Most likely same here though.

Skivet commented 3 years ago

@Plagman here is the output of vulkaninfo vulkaninfo.txt

Plagman commented 3 years ago

@Skivet You need to at least remove amdvlk, as it's causing your hang issue. I'm not sure how to remove llvmpipe but you probably want to do that as well.

Plagman commented 3 years ago

@Skivet Try removing vulkan-mesa in addition to amdvlk. vulkaninfo should only show one device, like this:

plagman@redcore:~/src/mesa$ vulkaninfo 2>/dev/null| grep deviceID
deviceID       = 0x731f
Skivet commented 3 years ago

vulkaninfo.txt I removed vulkan-mesa and amdvlk, I'll try launching again.

➜  ~ vulkaninfo 2>/dev/null| grep deviceID
        deviceID       = 0x731f
Skivet commented 3 years ago

and just like that, it runs! Thanks @Plagman!

RafaelAmauri commented 3 years ago

@Skivet Try removing vulkan-mesa in addition to amdvlk. vulkaninfo should only show one device, like this:

plagman@redcore:~/src/mesa$ vulkaninfo 2>/dev/null| grep deviceID
deviceID       = 0x731f

Hey! I did this and the game now works! I can confirm I'm no longer getting the pink artifacts on my screen.

Seems like amdvlk was indeed in the way of mesa-git. Thanks, @Plagman !

alosarjos commented 3 years ago

Mesa 21 Git + Proton Experimental on Arch. Seems to be running well!

HUGE thanks and congratulations to everyone involved on getting this achievement. Cyberpunk 2077 on Linux on Day1. Who would even imagine this a few years ago!

Now I'm just curious about the performance hit... Hoping someday we get the Vulkan renderer option on PC...

Captura de pantalla de 2020-12-10 06-38-46

lunacorn commented 3 years ago

using glorious eggroll 5.21 launcher crashes open crash window then game launches ... potentially a feature.

fps is fine on a 1050Ti on any setting, untill i finish character creation.

the loading happens i hear water, then i lock up screen looking at my hands

no issues with textures during char gen tried several options graphically fullscreen, windowed, fake full, vsync, and high low and medium graphic settings which may render an extra frame or two

arch atm, using nvidia and vulkan... all current arch repo double checked as of this post

other proton versions tested were GE 5.09 , 5.13 and down the list some yet i see 5.13 req

ghost commented 3 years ago

cant get past launcher with 1660ti driver ver. 455.38, kernel 5.9.13-xanmod2 Pop_OS 20.10. I also tried rolling back to xanmod lts and generic ubuntu lts kernelsl with no joy on 5.21GE, 5.09GE, 5.13-4, and experimental proton.

One thing I noticed is my ppa is not allowing me to update to nvidia driver 455.45.01.

> sudo apt install nvidia-driver-455 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done nvidia-driver-455 is already the newest version (455.38-1pop0~1605144088~20.10~3cf77da). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Is 455.45.01 required? Most everyone I see on here is using that.

EDIT: 455.45.01 may support the 16xx series but not the mobile chips which is what I use (except for the 1650 for some reason)

prototype99 commented 3 years ago

Is 455.45.01 required?

I had nothing but black screens until I upgraded to 455 series

moozhub commented 3 years ago

I'm having a few annoying issues with controllers. If using the steam controller as a mouse for the window environment, when the launcher starts the mouse cursor will freeze, forcing you to turn on and off the controller, sometimes several times until you press the play button. When using XB1 wireless controller, sometimes when returning in-game from a hard freeze, the right controller stick axis will be stuck in a certain direction not allowing you to look, I found that turning my steam controller on and looking around will unstick the look, not sure if this is 100% workaround, otherwise I was forced to exit and relaunch the game, sometimes running into the same issue multiple times.

I've been experiencing hard application freezes throughout the time I've played on NV 4.55, when it freezes I'm forced to send a signal 9 to stop it. The kernel log appears to be throwing this error each time it happens:

NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:02:00): 31, pid=35035, Ch 0000003e, intr 10000000. MMU Fault: ENGINE GRAPHICS GPCCLIENT_T1_9 faulted @ 0x1_80730000. Fault is of type FAULT_PTE ACCESS_TYPE_READ

Plagman commented 3 years ago

Running the game on NVIDIA is currently known to crash the GPU. It's currently only stable on AMD Mesa drivers that support the VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type extension.

LucasSymons commented 3 years ago

looks to be working out the box with proton 5.13-4 and Mesa-git. the only thing having any issues is I am missing the music from radios and stuff.

Anyone have any suggestions?

codeman101 commented 3 years ago

I spoke too soon. Game crashes a lot even at lowest graphical settings and HDD slow mode turned on. (and yes I'm on the 455 driver) :(

Running the game on NVIDIA is currently known to crash the GPU. It's currently only stable on AMD Mesa drivers that support the VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type extension.

Ok will await driver update.

Also I don't know if this is one of the known audio issues but when I went to a bar in the game where npcs were dancing there was no music. Could be a bug with the actual game though not sure.