Allow our users to search for filenames
Provide a list of "recently viewed" files in the main UI
This issue is to track all functionalities that are or will be implemented in the Reva master branch for CERNBox use-cases.
This is issue acts as a master issue, please follow individual issues for m…
When I manage the list of registrations to an event (at https://indico.cern.ch/event/XXXX/manage/registration/YYYY/registrations/), it would be great to see all CERN site access requests together. Eit…
Currently the rpm contains amongst other thing:
if [ -d /var/run/cvmfs ]; then
/usr/bin/cvmfs_config reload
If this hangs for what ever reason you end up with a stuck for …
When importing podio in debug builds the following error appears:
cling JIT session error: Failed to materialize symbols: { (main, { _ZN5podio7versionL13build_versionE }) }
Traceback (most rece…
This issue is to continue to track the crashes in Cling we're seeing on ARM that were first reported in https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/issues/43577#issuecomment-1858008684. Repeating the stack traces…
unless I am mistaken, in this situation https://cms-pdmv-prod.web.cern.ch/mcm/requests?dataset_name=OmegabToOmegaJPsi_JPsiToMuMu_JPsiFilter_SoftQCDnonD_TuneCP5_13p6TeV-pythia8-evtgen&shown=27494501593…
Workflow 250202.5 step 2 segfaulted in CMSSW_13_3_X_2023-08-13-2300 on el8_aarch64_gcc11 with
Thread 5 (Thread 0x4000218a9c80 (LWP 4052323) "cmsRun"):
#2 0x0000400005ae3448 in sig_pause_for_st…
Jenkins tests started for 5801aef at 2024/11/06 09:42
Build logs are available at: https://cmssdt.cern.ch/cms-jenkins//job/run-HcalConditionsAutomatization-ConditionsValidation-push-tests/281/console
Automatic pruning when a percentage of fill up
Use of crontabs