2023-12-20 10:17:21.928 | INFO | airo_camera_toolkit.calibration.hand_eye_calibration:do_camera_robot_calibration:108 - Saving calibration results to /home/victor/cloth-competition…
Hi, when running my calibration, I getting the following output and error. Does this mean that my calibration images aren't good enough or is there something more?
INFO - Using boards:
Using windows 11.
depthai-sdk 1.9.4
The following error is observed.
Using depthai module from: C:\Users\Kukil\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packag…
Do I still need aruco_ros if I use easy_aruco?
After clicking "Calibrate from Videos" I get this error using a Windows 11 PC. Calibrating the same videos was successful on a machine running Windows 10.
[2023-04-28 09:21:26.0728] [ ERROR] [fre…
I'm having difficulty running calibration with my camera setup. I have 7 cameras, and two of them are pointed inward in such a way that they rarely / never see the charuco board at the same …
I want to use anipose to track the head movement of a monkey but I have the issue, that when I run the anipose calibrate command I get the following error.
My team is using FreeMoCap with three cameras for a study, using the following session settings:
Session ID = sesh_2022-10-14_12_34_37
Parameters = {'exposure': -5, 'resWidth': 640, 'resHeight': 4…
I purchased the OpenCV for Unity asset on January 10th. I have been following the steps in the README.md to get the example project to work correctly on unity. However, I have been able to r…
Hi all, this isn't directly related to this software, but I was curious as to which software you were using for calibration using april tags. April Robotics Toolkit / April Camera seems to be deprecia…