## 一言で言うと
知識蒸留において,効果的な教師となる条件について研究を行う.効果的な教師の条件として,一貫して(consisitent), 忍耐強い(patient)な教師が重要であることを見つけた.また知識蒸留においては,エポック数を増やして時間を長めにとるといいことを見つけた.
### 論文リンク
mei28 updated
2 years ago
Hi, would you be interested in adding Thin-Plate-Spline-Motion-Model to Hugging Face? The Hub offers free hosting, and it would make your work more accessible and visible to the rest of the ML communi…
AK391 updated
2 years ago
### Model description
Hi, I’m Adonai vera; I’m looking to contribute with a new point cloud model; Point cloud has become very relevant in applications such as autonomous cars, inspections, archite…
### Model description
[MeMViT, CVPR 2022](https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08383) is the most efficient transformer-based video understanding model, and META AI released it. Its efficient online attentio…
1) Main Paper:equation(1),it should be $\sqrt{1-\alpha _ t }w $
2) Supplement Paper : Algorithm 4, line 5, the same problem with 1)
3) Supplement Paper : Algorithm 1, line 13,14 & Algorithm 2, line …
### Model description
**Restormer: Efficient Transformer for High-Resolution Image Restoration** was published in CVPR 2022, which introduced a new Vision Transformer based architecture for Image Res…
Hey, sorry to bother you again(`◕‸◕´+)
I have questions about reproducing the landscape and hessian in the FedSMOO paper.
I use the code of _"[Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets](https://…
I think I found a glitch where the tex4ebook conversion yields duplicate captions in the resulting ebook.
If a latex document uses the cvpr package (see below), as in this MWE:
In your paper, you discuss the "simultaneous" setting, where the robot is permitted to move from the beginning of the episode. However, in the provided codebase, the _TIME_WAIT parameter is set to 1.5…