I am currently implementing a small app to generate statistic data...
At the end, my app generate Python dict of time { obj1 : int, obj2 : int, ..., objn : int }. object can be integer, float, date…
I see that nodes have css classes in the d3js viz, and therefore presumably can be styled individually.
I wonder if it is worth figuring out if there is any way to align the terminology with the c…
I try to show references to sub-nodes and display object values, but get an error message
d3.v4.min.js:2 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '#//497…
Want to be able to have multiple datasets per project representing results of operations on original dataset.
Is this a good idea? Are there other ways to do this.
- iPhone
- iPad.
Oligrapher does not allow interaction on touch based devices.
Regarding graphical graph representations, we currently have integrated RDFViewer http://github.com/jimmccusker/rdfviewer in semantic_forms .
In http://ldp.virtual-assembly.org:9111/display?displayuri…
Надо хотя бы верхнеуровнево накидать, что и как реализовывать
The graph doesn't cluster nodes together. When a node has a large number of children, it should be automatically pulled to the centre from the forces of all the children. However, I am not able to imp…
Hello, is it possible to get one root node at center and others around it?
Hi, i'm trying to use provided examples, but it looks like the tutorial is actually broken :