In the US, Fn 0 is light, Fn1 is Bell and Fn 2 is horn. Usually light and horn are toggle, but Bell is latch. In the UK apparently, Fn 0 is still lights but Fn1 is a sound on/off toggle, Fn 2 is horn …
Can you share this wiring for your this project, Sir?
TPL refers to outputs by simple id. the technology is separated from the automation.
Current technologies are
1. Direct CPU pin
2. I2C extender pin
Do we need any more technologies here?
I am new to DCC world, but do enjoy programming microcontrollers to control trains and track accessories. However, I do not know how to connect the signal pin of the Arduino to the tracks (e.…
**Affected Country**: BG
@stamo , @SchulzeStTSI and @daniel-eder - FYI.
## Issue Description
Payload does not comply with Schema.
As a blind/visually impaired MLP Stallion, I was able to successfully install and run the docker application, along with running said script.
The issue I am having, is the character comboboxes. They…
These are review comments that came in over email.
Line 115, Section 2.2.2 Header: Change “Statin” to “Station.”
Line 139, After 1st paragraph Section 2.3: 2.3 does not indicate that TIA/EIA‑422…
@FrightRisk, @ManiAkasapu, I feel that in it's current state, the codebase is going to be **very** hard to scale, for 1.4.0, especially for the new wireless features for 1.5.0 and beyond. `index.html`…
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## Edgar created a ticket
Name: Edgar Dietrich
Email: eddch@t-online.de
Timezone: 0
Software: EX-Command…