bun run src/keyGeneratorCli.ts generate
INFO: Generating new mnemonic, private key, receive address, and change address...
Mnemonic: penalty inch carpet agree diet genius shrimp collect fortune rura…
- [ ] Ensure meaningful diet contributions for major predators
- [ ] Ensure overlap in space/time of expected matchups
currently squid-heavy diets for many, including apex preds
Capstone has a diet compile time flag, described here: http://www.capstone-engine.org/diet.html
This reduces the library size. It would be quite useful to provide builds with this flag, considering…
## Description
Medicinal plant aren't grain, therefore Lizard should be able to gnaw on them
1-Take a poppy flower/aloe leaf/ambrosia vulgaris-deus branch/ spaceman's trumpet and…
# swupd bundle-remove qt-basic
Bundle "qt-basic" is required by the following bundles:
- desktop-gnomelibs
- gnome-base-libs
- sway
Which is wrong.
a simple add-on to make certain food groups not required for certain species/tribes would be great!