at the end of the setup the partkeepr tells to add this to crontab:
0 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/app/console partkeepr:cron:run
neither README.md nor Dockerfile has any mentio…
As seen on the screenshot, partkeepr installed on MXlinux but when start the softwa…
Tried the latest build and 1.4.0-5 and getting this error, both with standalone use and behind Docker nginx-proxy. Is there a known good release I should be using? Or perhaps I'm missing a step?
I am unable to find the authenfication key to proceed with the installation of the app. Where is supposed to be located the authkey.php file on the server ? Thanks for your help!
Hi, is it planned to add support for LDAP authentication (using HTTP Basic)?
# Current setting and problem
The [PartKeepr projekct](https://github.com/partkeepr/PartKeepr) was abandoned for some time by the main developer and now the dependencies are heavily outdated. Some gu…
I'm trying to build a [Dockerfile](https://github.com/mhubig/docker-partkeepr/tree/develop) to ease and speed up the deployment of Partkeepr. One particular problem I found is the use of the `paramete…
[comment]: # (Hi and thanks for an issue. In order to help you best, please fill out the following information.)
# System Information
* PartKeepr 1.4.0
* Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.1 as an Hyper-V VM…
We want to host parts keeper at /partskeepr of our website so we can keep all other similar applications under one SSL certificate. (wiki, bug tracker etc). To do this I have multiple docker contai…
Dear All,
happy new year of course !
PartKeepr Version: 1.4
JavaScript errors: No.
PHP 7.1.33-1+0~20191026.27+debian10~1.gbpd10139
Apache 2.4.38 on Debian 10
mariaDB 10.3.17-MariaDB-0+deb10…