## [데모 프로젝트 링크](https://github.com/chldydgh4687/SituationClassfier_DEMO)
## Pipeline_design#3 목표
- Classification 의 기준을 세워 분류한다.
- 이의 위험도를 색깔로 표현
- 구글 스프레드를 이용 가상의 데이터를 생성
- multinomial cl…
**Point Cloud Completion**
- "Topnet: Structural point cloud decoder", CVPR 2019
- "3D Shape Completion with Multi-view Consistent Inference", AAAI 2020
- "Morphing and Sampling Network for Dense P…
Hello!Sorry to interrupt you. I have also paid attention to this article recently. Thank you for your work. However, some parts of the article confuse me. I would like to consult that what exactly is …
#### 数据集名称与简介(Dataset Overview)
Open Images Dataset V4
包含 1.9 million 张图,其中有 600 个分类的 15.4 million 个 bounding box,是目前最大的有标注目标检测/定位数据集。
#### 版权信息(Copyright)
> The annotations are licensed by Go…
Hello dear maintainer,
Is it possible to train and recognize european plates (only latin characters) with LPDet? Or it is only for Chinese characters?
Thank you!
![头图2 ](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53006892/109469329-daddde80-7aa8-11eb-86e1-0102bc216efb.jpg)
在自动驾驶领域,基于激光雷达 (LiDAR) 的3D物体检测和运动行为预测是一种普遍的方案。目前绝大部分关于激光雷达的物体检测算法都是基于单帧的。激光雷达的多帧时序数据,提供了…
I'm trying to implement Hough Transform for road lane detection. Currently I have the hough transform filter, however I would like to extract the coordinates of the lines generated by this filter, to …
Can you kindly provide me the dataset via email (sauradipnag95@gmail.com) since baidu can't be accessed from linux
用faster RCNN计算出的框的分类,和用同样的框和参数然后使用Vtranse计算得出的结果不一致。为啥啊。而且你的计算Recall的方式和Lifeifei的有一定的区别,会导致方法的结果高1到2个百分点。