I tried to decode RS256 access code but it returns error
{:error, :invalid_token}
# config
config :olist, Olist.Guardian,
issuer: "olist",
## StaleFile
Below are files that may have been staled. Please check it!
| File | Last modified |
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| 20210508233810-org_roam.org | 2023-10-09 (11 months ago) |
| 20210509095946…
I'm running boruta-server locally for developing an Elixir app that authenticates users via OIDC using the Erlang/Eixir oidcc library. Running a release of this application locally I get an error from…
** (exit) exited in: :p1_server.call(:none, {:set_presence, {:presence, "", :available, "", {:jid, "user1", "localhost", "tka1", "user1", "localhost", "tka1"}, {:jid, "user1", "localhost", "", "user1"…
I was just helping some newcomers go through the ember guides, and Mirage seems to be causing some potentially un-needed complexity. It boils down to two reasons:
1. Developers who have come out of a …
Dear Maintainer(s),
I've tried to run boruta-server using the system-wide setup, behind a reverse proxy (because non-standard ports are most often blocked on corporate firewalls/proxies), and I've …
It's not obvious how to deal with Pow sessions and WebSockets. There are a few caveats to using WebSockets since browsers don't enforce CORS. Also, Phoenix LiveView won't run subsequent requests throu…
We have such logs seen both in test suite and production:
Error: :13:59.244 line=172 pid= file=/home/runner/work/firezone/firezone/elixir/deps/telemetry/src/telemetry.erl mfa=:telemetry.execut…
## StaleFile
Below are files that may have been staled. Please check it!
| File | Last modified |
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| 20210508233810-org_roam.org | 2023-10-09 (9 months ago) |
| 20210508234743-…