The physics overhaul is something I've wanted in this game for a long time, so I was thrilled to see someone continuing the work on it. So thrilled that it actually got me back into Minecraft modding.…
*Please use the search functionality before reporting an issue. Also take a look at the closed issues!*
#### Issue description:
I took a look at previously closed issues and it seems to have been …
Right now forcing tables look like this:
note_id | time | precipitation | potential_evaporation
--------- | ------- | ------------ | -----
1 | 2020-01-01 | 2.0 | 1.0
1 | 2020-02-01 |…
When using the read_out() function to load the system variable of **potential** & **actual evaporation**, they are labelled the wrong way around.
The loaded data of **actual evaporation** has highe…
Task to add the salt model of Dumux into ewoms. Completed benchmark 1, 2, and 3a. This task focuses on benchmark 3b.
Benchmark 1 = Evaporation without salt
Benchmark 2 = Evaporatio…
Hello everyone!
Looking to add weathering processes to a simulation I want to run, and I was wondering if the Water object can be created with Gridded Data. When reading the example script of weather…
Found this while trying to find support for my k1 + k2cos(6lat) + k3(1-lat/90) - k4dist_to_cont_edge*sin(lat) model.
Evaporation and precipitation vs. latitude.
In chapter 4 of the questbook, the "Hydrogen chloride" quest instructs players to "start with some Brine." I looked up a mekanism tutorial online and found that I need to construct a large multiblock …
This has been srtongly requested by CIMH as an item in the original Instat that has yet to be added into R-Instat.
I would need to create a wind (and wave) object from multiple NetCDF files, to feed the weathering algorithm.
Concerning wind and current movers, I had no problem to create them by means a tex…