### Your name
### Your affiliation
### Please provide a clear and concise description of your question or discussion topic.
Hello, I am using GEOS-Chem-14.4.3 to track the budget for s…
### Your name
### Your affiliation
Chinese academic institute
### What happened? What did you expect to happen?
HEMCO: Opening /home/xwx/ExtData/GEOS_2x2.5/MERRA2/2015/01/MERRA2.20150101.CN.2…
@bbakernoaa @ytangnoaa
Currently we face a pressing issue on overprediction of O3 in winter and underprediction in summer. There are two versions of GEOS5-simulations-generated monthly mean LBCs ava…
### What is the feature/what would you like to discuss?
I have an existing PR under review that brings GEOS-Chem chemistry into CAM as an alternative to CAM-Chem (https://github.com/ESCOMP/CAM/pull…
### Your name
Barron Henderson
### Your affiliation
### Provide a clear and concise overview of the new feature requested.
HEMCO's implementation of GFED and GFED climatology has no vertic…
### Your name
Anna Gerosolina
### Your affiliation
Boston College
### Please provide a clear and concise description of your question or discussion topic.
I have a goal of adding new molecules, m…
Sam Silva (formerly of MIT) has code to implement MEGAN3 emissions and an updated canopy model. The code, which is based off GEOS-Chem 12.3.0 is available at this DOI: https://zenodo.org/record/36140…
I noticed that the files tracerinfo.dat and diaginfo.dat created by GEOS-Chem had been adjusted, which made old version bpch2nc conversion error. I want to know if there was a new version of the bpch2…
### Name and Institution (Required)
Name: Kexin Zhang
Institution: Tsinghua University
### Confirm you have reviewed the following documentation
- [√] [Contributing guidelines](https://geos-…