this family of routines should return NMEA183xxxxNA when given arguments of "". They mostly all return 0.
NMEA0183GPSDateTimetotime_t(NMEA0183Msg.Field(8),0) is particularly bad since it retur…
I've bought this GPS online "BN-220".
After trying the Adafruit GPS firmware (which didn't work since they use 4800bps and the gps uses 9600bps)
Trying your firmware and another one I found on …
The context: a GPS is connected to an ESP8266, with a softwareserial link, at 57600 bds. Some bits are wrongly transmitted and decoded. It happens only a few times in a long test sequence but t…
Hello Lobo, first of all, congratulations for this great development of MicroPython!
I followed your tutorial from https://github.com/loboris/MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo/wiki/gps and here it's wha…
¿Para cuál módulo GPS está diseñado? Alguno en particular
In the parse function, there is a test for the char 4 from the end to make sure it is a '_' followed by a checksum test if it is a '_', but the alternative, when there is not a '*' does not do an earl…
In this test run, the logger time stamps rolled over after 18:12:15.985:
I am currently running the driver, and trying to do some time synchronization. First and foremost, i need the Septentrio to output correct timestamps, which it isn't at the moment. I have set the use_…
Hello, upon reviewing your code, I’ve noticed that the time synchronization between the LiDAR and the camera is achieved by sharing the timestamp from the LiDAR scan header. This aligns the camera fra…
i have a T-Beam V1.2 (The V1.1 with the AXP2101) and cannot get a GPS Fix.
When using SoftRF, I recieve 6 Satelites.
Also no LEDs on the T-Beam are lighting up, but it does create a web Interf…