hey this is a cool project i had definitely been looking for soemthing exactly like this, thanks!
is it supposed to download every message ever in the groupchat you select? I was only able to pull…
Hi there. Is there someone I can pay to download a chat history from Groupme?
Although GroupMe doesn't let you upload webm files, it does let you link to them.
Hello sorry for the issue, but i am questioning if i have set this up correctly. attached i have my config and the output when i run the app. I am using ngrok to connect to my instance of the app and …
I set this bot up this morning in preparation for the 2021 season. Is it still functioning and is it current? Does it mimic this bot?
Can't replicate this myself but I've gotten multiple bug reports:
Hmmm okay because I'm pretty sure this word was said since I did my own GroupMe analysis with the API, but I wanted to use Gre…
Hey there! I'm Erik, the developer of [another GroupMe bot](https://github.com/ErikBoesen/Yalebot). Motivated by some frustrations I had with the platform during that development process, I recently d…
Uncaught Exception:
Error: Object has been destroyed
at Error (native)
at Function.electron.app.makeSingleInstance (/opt/groupme/resources/app.asar/index.js:17:17)
This seems t…
Hey -- this code works great. I'm trying to bind a book together of this groupme for a wedding gift. This is the closest I've gotten.
One issue I'm running into is that with large output files (at le…
upon launching the app, the following is output:
the line in question contains the foll…