PPE shortage article
> Equally worrisome is the lack of adequate PPE for frontline health care workers, including respirators, gloves, face sh…
Geoyi updated
4 years ago
Recently BAG also publish data on how many patients get tested. It seem to be only a rough estimate, but if compared to daily reported cases, it will show a change in infection rate among the tested s…
This application should be build considering any other future deceases outbreaks. The next list should have their contents depending on the desease outbreak in the region, even for countries.
For ci…
Right now Encounters can happen on any day of the week. For emergencies this makes sense. Realistically however, many Encounters would never be scheduled on a weekend. For example, visits to a special…
## 1. Healthcare Cost and Financing
For the healthcare cost and financing part, different modes of paying for healthcare are mentioned, methods of payment for health care providers and payment refo…
## Background
Gleamviz works with a [SIR like model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmental_models_in_epidemiology) where people move between the following categories:
num_rendered, color, depth, radii, geomBuffer, binningBuffer, imgBuffer = _C.rasterize_gaussians(*args)
torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 35.79 GiB (GPU 0; 23.49 GiB …
## Overview
Currently, we use a deterministic SIR model (see `sir` and `sim_sir` in [models.py](https://github.com/CodeForPhilly/chime/blob/develop/penn_chime/models.py)) to predict everything. It …
So hospitals don't make thread and cloth unusable
PPE shortage is coming with covid-19 patients' growth per hospital.
To answer the questions if we can model/simulate PPE (e.g. facial masks, surgical gloves, gowns, eye protections etc.) uses/short…
Geoyi updated
4 years ago