## eFlora of India
Dataset link: https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/home?pli=1
Region: India
Taxon: Plants
Type: checklist
Why is this important: largest collection of Indian plant speci…
We recently added new zones for India that represent the power grids instead of the states, this mean we are lacking translations for the new zones.
Language tracker of missing translations:
- [ ]…
Url example: Domits.com/en/why-domits and Domits.com/nl/waarom-domits
**Key Languages for Domits**
To reach the broadest audience, focus on languages spoken in…
### Have you read the Contributing Guidelines on issues?
- [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines on issues](https://github.com/stoneatom/stonedb/blob/stonedb-5.7-dev/CONTRIBUTING.md).
This is with regards to the Geo map shown via GeoChart API which provides images with maps of different countries which is used by some third party apps such as Wordpress. It is clearly shown in the w…
As part of the GDM work, we require an archive of ECMWF Ensemble data - not full members, but rather mean and standard deviation values. The [Operational Archive](https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/da…
#### Summary
Please replace below information in Band ID documentation
Current version has - IN_865_870 : India 868 - 867 MHz
Replace it with - IN_865_867 : India 868 - 867 MHz
## Hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India
Region: Northern Western Ghats, India
Taxon: Lepidoptera: Sphingidae
Type: occurrence
Why is this importa…
Listing down advances in e-governance, which means the web structure that exists to map the network of diff depts at state as well as central level.
A user should only select filter options that will give them results. Everytime the data is filtered, update the filter options as well.
For example, if I select a country - then all pathogens for w…