Investigate a better way to handle the public key VS Public key without coordinates in the FE repos.
Right now, the naming is super confusing or long such as "finalityProviderPkWithNoCoord".
The sco…
| TestField | Value |
| ----- | ----- |
| **GUID** | f2b4a50a-6b2f-4930-b9df-da87b6a21082 |
| **Description** | Proposes an amendment of the signs …
Something I ran into while testing https://github.com/benbovy/spherely/pull/20 (xref https://github.com/benbovy/spherely/pull/20#discussion_r1141150124), is that it is not that easy to pass an exact e…
SimbodyMatterSubsystem can return coriolis/centrifugal forces on a per-body basis which can be mapped to internal forces. This is too complicated for many users -- it would be nice to have a convenien…
Copy of the issue from old `open-umd ` repo - https://yyz-gitlab.local.tenstorrent.com/tenstorrent/open-umd/-/issues/15
Metal uses:
`using CoreCoord = tt_xy_pair;`
and exposes CoreCoord th…
Sorry for getting distracted at the end of the geo-zarr meeting we just had (for those that were there). Here is a summary of what I was getting at.
(@rabernat , yes I know this has been discussed …
import sys; print(sys.version)
import platform; print(platform.python_implementation()); print(platform.platform())
import Bio; print(Bio.__version__)
3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019,…
| TestField | Value |
| ----- | ----- |
| **GUID** | 256e51b3-1e08-4349-bb7e-5186631c3f8e |
| **Description** | Are the supplied geographic coord…
I find that
/home/zyrlia/zou/Manba/Mamba/envs/RFAA/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hydra/_internal/defaults_list.py:251: UserWarning: In 'covalent.yaml': Defaults list is missing `_self_`. See h…
| TestField | Value |
| ----- | ----- |
| **GUID** | 3c2590c7-af8a-4eb4-af57-5f73ba9d1f8e |
| **Description** | Proposes an amendment to the val…