Disclaimer: I don't know much about the LabVIEW crash reports, so if this is a red herring, I apologize.
Issue: I've been seeing a noticeably higher number of LabVIEW crashes since installing the J…
On behalf of LabVIEW, let me apologize for this bug report. The JKI State Machine right-click plug-in is crashing some people's LabVIEWs, and that's something NI ought to be able to fix, but we cannot…
I don't know what causes it, but I fairly frequently do 'something' whereby I 'lose' the main SM Explorer window. When this happens, the JKI SM Explorer option is not available to relaunch …
I want to keep the front panel closed in JKI state machine application until a business logic decides to open it up to the user. When I use the "UI: Front Panel State >> Close", the VI immediately go…
The latest update to the JKI State machine editor is crashing with Find Callers. It seems to find the callers - the popup box opens, then immediately closes and SME crashes. And if there is only one…
Reported here: https://forums.jki.net/topic/2743-jki-sm-problem-with-jki-sm-editor/
> I've got a problem with JKI SM Editor (JKI SM ver. 2018). In one case, it increases the CPU resources consumpti…
The JKI SMO Editor **removes** the Typedefs from my SMO when I add a public method.
1. Create a blank Project
1. Use the SMO Editor to add a BasicByRefWithEvents SMO
1. Confirm you can run the Te…
When I use the SMO Editor to add a Public Event, a Public Method, or a Private Event, it results in:
* **broken** Typedefs -- the new event ref num is **not added to the cluster**, but just placed …
Here's how to reproduce the problem with JKI State Machine Editor v2013.5.3.218 (the most recent one available from VIPM as of this post) in LabVIEW 2017 v17.0f2:
1. Open a VI with a JKI State Mach…
Pressing the "History Back" button directly after renaming a frame throws `Error 1 [..] at Property Node (arg 1) in CaseSelect__JKI_State_Machine_Helper.vi:3490001`.