For public transportation, the literature defines a series of problems and scenarios. This ticket aims providing an overview over different scenarios as a basis to determine the scope of what we want …
MoKob updated
7 years ago
This is an open issue to discuss the "Minimum requirements for a PCT at any place".
Comments, approaches, and suggestions are welcome!
According to [Wikitravel](https://wikitravel.org/en/Szczecin#Public_transport) and [their transit planner](https://jakdojade.pl/szczecin/trasa/z--Gumieńce--do--undefined?fn=Gumieńce&tc=53.4463532:14.5…
Currently the signin on the app only applies to the Photomap. Instead it should also appear as a standalone screen under 'More', so that when signed in, the journeys get associated with that username …
mvl22 updated
8 years ago
### Describe expected behavior
- What: Ability to start a trip search from a moving vehicle to make user-friendly clients.
- Why: The conductor wants to sell tickets from the trip she serves, and a t…
Add a new comment for a unique idea for an example use of datapoint.
Hi all,
I want to introduce a term called `connection` which is e.g.,
- an advice for a certain collection of `journey`s to get from A to B
- an actual collection of `journey`s followed to get from …
Would be good to have the fare zones visible on the app.
This could be done by adding a vector overlay, or by adding it to…
🔴 Title : Virtual Gardening Planner
🔴 Tech stack : HTML CSS js
🔴 Objective : A planning app for garden layouts with drag-and-drop elements like plants, paths, and decor.
🔴 Summary : NA
📸 Screensh…
This if for FABULOUS automatic bus project and for future cases.