I would like to thank you for sharing your code on GitHub and congratulate you on your proposed models for cloud/shadow detection (Refined Unet v1 and v2).
I have few questions about the data…
A user pointed out that it can be hard to find the right uploaded projects when trying to add multiple to a project--while our naming convention (source + date of acquisition) makes sense for satellit…
More basic datasets support (Landsat, Sentinel and MODIS) should be added
Hi all,
Just thought I'd post an update on my progress. I've managed to extract Google EE's landsat (5, 7 and 8), MODIS 16-day nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance (MCD43A4), and MODIS 8-day surface re…
* arosics version: 1.9.2
* Python version: 3.9
* Operating System: Ubuntu
### Description
Now I have a task, correcting displacements of different bands tif files of one multiband image with L…
import json
from landsatxplore.api import API
from landsatxplore.earthexplorer import EarthExplorer
# Initialize a new API instance and get an access key
usgs_username = "********"
I encountered an issue downloading some LandSat 8 Collection 2 images with landsatxplore API.
The output / error written is :
raise EarthExplorerError(error_msg)
All Landsat Collection 1 data and science products will be removed from USGS data access platforms by the end of 2022.
This removal includes Level-1, Level-2, Level-3, and ESPA- related products.
I have a script ingesting ~200 GB of landsat imagery with the current multi-threaded implementation (no Dataflow). Eventually, I always get an exception like:
### Version
### DataCap Applicant
### Project ID
### Data Owner Name
Digital Earth Africa
### Data Owner Country/Region
United States
### Data Owner Industry