The LoadTests Java GBK Smoke is failing over 50% of the time
Please visit https://github.com/andreydevyatkin/beam/actions/workflows/beam_LoadTests_Java_GBK_Smoke.yml?query=is%3Afailure+branch%3Amaste…
An umbrella issue for tracking of [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io/) integration to PostgREST.
- [x] Get familiar with OTel and terminology
- [ ] Wrap meaningful and measurable actions…
On Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
ghc: stable 7.4.2
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library
[5 of 6] Compiling Network.HTTP.LoadTest.Report ( lib/Network/HT…
let's add shavar,
also, screenshots:
Make it possible to exclude certain errors from Error tab in the Reports. This would help to show the report to a certain audience and to focus on the important issues that occurred during a test. For…
### Description
As a domain expert interested in loadtesting, I would like to open a summary view that shows my currently modeled loadtest specifications so that I can verify the models before genera…
Right now, the Content-Length header is not set, so the client can't know how long the download…
`-Xgcpolicy:optthruput -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,add…
Deployed the sock-shop to a Kubernetes cluster in the usual way:
```kubectl apply -n sock-shop -f deploy/kubernetes/manifests```
Zipkin and the loadtest are returning the following errors:
I recently installed sysdig on a test cluster. As it happens, it's the same cluster I run load tests on. While running sysdig I started a load test. Initially kangal controller timedout creating kuber…