Need a concrete use-case but it would be fun.
Фёдор, медиа-запросы воткнуты не по месту, + зачем везде жестко прописывать размеры?
Media queries still need to be set up for the main surrounding layout like the menu nav and footer and how they change depending on screen size. Also for each page, I plan on doing some tweaking wher…
Just wanted to say that ui-box is so convenient for CSS-in-JS. My question is can we do media queries using props? We are currently using other CSS-in-JS libraries and would like to just use…
Adding media queries to the site is a big step as it opens the ability for more users to view the site across different devices such as tablets and mobile phones. In my Gantt chart this feature has be…
I like that you changed the media query to a more sensible breakpoint. Tested your site on a number of screen presets and it looks good on all of them, so good work!
One thing that I found to be in…
Your media queries look good! No matter the screen size your elements don't overlap or break their containers. One thing that I did notice is that your font-size is a bit small. This seems like a quic…
start w/ media queries iphone sizes to tablet then desktop
Your media queries are on point. No matter what the screen size all of your elements stay in their containers and nothing breaks the page. Great job!
Style site per target screen