Well, in real life (especially in 21st century) mail is not just small bundles. It might be something bigger. Towns have light industry areas, and such areas often order cargo mail. Industry in that c…
Heya, wanted to create a new entry for air raid bunker that is used in Sweden that is called Skyddsrum but I'm not sure where to add this exactly, any tips? Or do we need a whole new category
[Sprint 0 documentation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PhQSuW_cwyVbf-LVO7syg8q7EazKtcOhR-LHXnWkZ4Y/edit?pli=1#heading=h.mnq6vtjqteg4)
The VA Mobile app currently relies on loading the profile …
## Description
We have added a bunch of new variables in 1.6 version of the mobile app. Plan is to officially release them in the upcoming 1.7 version.
### For point features
1. **Record the posi…
### Your idea
Dear Musescore Development Team,
I am writing to request the inclusion of cannons as a playable instrument in Musescore. An example is Tchaikovsky's renowned "1812 Overture" which fe…
The same POI kind in different countries sometimes needs different artwork for the icon. This will also allow fast filtering by country client side.
While doing the Military Overlay for 2525C, I noticed these names still appear incorrectly mapped to their geometry type and this is confusing to users. I realize these are the Entity names directly u…
In https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features some images are not showed. For example, in the leisure table, leisure=firepit [1] is fine but leisure=fitness_centre link correctly to [2…
Jennifer the General Reader
**User Story:**
As a general reader, Jennifer wants to know what a Thucydides’ Trap is after it was brought up in a conversation/news story, So that she c…
### Feature description
The result of the current `Raster -> Analysis -> Proximity` implementation heavily depends on the chosen CRS. It will *only* work properly if the measured Cartesian and elli…