Originally [reported](https://community.metabrainz.org/t/harmony-music-metadata-aggregator-and-musicbrainz-importer/698641/68?u=kellnerd) on the forums by DenizC:
> I’ve seen a few cases where Beat…
One interesting application of mathematical set theory is in how it can be applied to music. We should look into various ways on how we can incorporate it into the project!
it appears that Safari ( mobile/desktop ) does not support the [detune](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioBufferSourceNode/detune) AudioParam, maybe this means we should change som…
nbriz updated
7 years ago
So we've created a theory -- hurrah! -- is it any good?
We need a way to capture evaluations of a theory and it's examples. This metadata format should be flexible enough to cover a few different
- …
Can you please modify FreeSWITCH so that it processes a REFER packet if there is no exten? In some cases, a REFER may simply be sent to a music on hold server which does not require an exte…
### What Red version are you using?
### What were you trying to do?
Keep the bot playing, or in the case of a ws interruption, handle the players appropriately and destroy all of them. I con…
**SUTD Chamber Ensemble**
From our session, participants who have a passion for music will learn more about the stringed instruments, and disco…
Not everyone is well-versed in music theory, and some charts can have wacky chords/keys.
Like specifying _G# major_ when _Ab major_ is more correct. Find ways to catch these cases and correct them.
Let's say, I moved track1.mp3 from /Music to /Music/Favourites. Currently, if I do that, I would need to re-add this track to all playlists it was placed in. But maybe it's possible to implement featu…
# Design/Code Review 1
## Project: Music Theory App
### Developer: Bill Georgeson
### Reviewer: Eduardo Burzlaff
|Item |Considerations| Comments/Suggestions|