Nodes have different colors: yellow for warning, red for error, gray for info, blue for properties, etc.
It would be nice to have some legend somewhere, or at least be able to hover over the rectangl…
In my attempt to port [ Node Classification with Graph Neural Networks](https://keras.io/examples/graph/gnn_citations/) to keras_core, I hit an issue when trying to pass a list of indices to the `gnn_…
Which version does the paper correspond to?
Dear InternImage Developer:
Thanks for reading my message. I encountered the following error when I trained the classification model in ImageNet1K.
InternImage training and evaluation script:…
### Question Validation
- [X] I have searched both the documentation and discord for an answer.
### Question
I have agentic RAG approach with `OpenAIAgent` class on the top. This AI agent uses tool…
We currently colour nodes based on NEO:Label assuming 1 label per term, but this assumption will not hold in future. While I think it is unlikely that nodes will have more that 2-3 classifications ma…
## ❓ Questions & Help
The current popular GNN models, like GAT, **only focus on node features and largely ignore the edge features** that contain rich information. Is there any tutorial or…
when I run with
"python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes 1 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 1 --master_port 29502 main.py --master_port "" --cfg configs/vssm/vmambav2_tiny_224.yaml --batc…
Now, I want to run the graphsage distributed code in the examples/distributed directory, but I don’t have an actual machine, so I used vmware to build three virtual machines as nodes for distributed t…
I just made a little modification on vgae to perform node classification in an unsupervised fashion.
In detail, I just used full adjacency matrix since there is no need for link prediction.…