hey ya'll
this summer for nodeconf pdx I put together the domnode repo https://github.com/maxogden/domnode
I gave a talk also but @mikeal never released the video because of dumb reasons. the gist o…
see: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-aws-lambda
Background: trying to get PouchDB to run on a Tessel. Tried `leveldown`, but ran into https://github.com/tessel/t2-compiler/issues/14. Now trying the `sqlite3` package (aka [node-sqlite3](https://gith…
Developers, as a group, have lost site of the beauty of code beyond just a slick interface. Javascript developers, in particular, have the ability to embrace the art of programming and the art of art …
@pfraze after exploring this for a while I realized it was the wrong idea.
It abstracted only the simplest part of sbot, where more important part is that it's about different apis connecting to each …
Sorry for not suggesting this before doing some work on it. I now remember that being a point brought up on the "Contributing to OSS" workshop at Nodeconf! Don't worry, the branch I made is purely a…
Hey Max,
I'm Richie, a guy from New Zealand living in Oslo Norway.
We met at the node school event you and Jessica ran the day after web rebels. (You probably saw a lot of faces that trip)
If we're doing a level\* workshop, how much freshening-up does levelmeup need and what additional extras can we add to it and who are the people that need to be involved. There's a stale PR in the rep…
rvagg updated
10 years ago
I don't have a good enough memory of last year and perhaps things have changed, but this might be worth discussing anyway.
Internet: I'm wondering where everyone's at with making their workshopper of…
rvagg updated
10 years ago
Node changed the JS landscape in quite unexpected ways. When JavaScript arrived on microcontrollers, first it was just higher-powered IC-s running node.js, controlling all the bleepy-bloopy, blinky bi…
flaki updated
9 years ago