It is great work.
I am using your model to calculate depth and from depth i am calculating point cloud.
So when i move the camera forward i expect that the point cloud will also come closer t…
Command windows output:
Found 0 depth, 0 rgb images, and 0 accel dumps.
filecount to process:1
Hi there!Thanks for the great work!
I have some questions about data sets and training results.
The first is the kitti dataset. I see in the README file that you use the raw portion of the kitt…
I have found that you have this line in your code, can you explain why it need to do it, thank you!
final_depth = final_depth * focal.view(-1, 1, 1, 1).float() / 715.0873
Can you provide the evaluation metric that generate exactly result with the paper?
Here is my "bicubic" method and evaluation metric matlab code, but it has a little difference with the paper score:…
could anyone answer me what is imgInstances mean here in this function? how do give as an input?
Hi, thanks for your work.
I want to get absolute depth value in real word, expressed in meters. How to do that ?
Dear authors,
I'm trying to reproduce your results on NYU Depth V2 dataset, but I'm facing some problems regarding the evaluation results, both retraining the network from scratch and using your p…
As I understand you make the depth to.Tensor() so values are(0,1) and then you divide by 1000. So the gt has values ranging from(0,0.001)??