Hi there, João Machado from [Codacy](https://www.codacy.com) here.
We have a PHP_CodeSniffer integration, so that everyone that uses our website can get PHP static analysis. You can check it at htt…
I am using Mac having php version 7.0.21 and wp 5.4.1 . But i never success to run theme sniffer.
it does not give any report. Why is that.
Ran `phpcbf --colors -p src/ tests/` on my CakePHP 5 project:
Fatal error: Uncaught PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException: Undefined property: PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\TypelessPar…
### Issue description
PHPCS is currently only scanning a subset of PHP files, with the `.php` extension. Other files in Drupal also have PHP and should be scanned.
### Issue solution
This line f…
The following script (placed in the project root) fails:
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
new \Drupal\PHPStan\Rules\ComponentTestDoesNotExtendCoreTest();
Poking around in Composer sho…
I got this error when running PHP Code Sniffer on the theme code:
` 7 | ERROR | [ ] Package name "_tk" is not valid; consider "Tk" instead`
"The default coding standard used by PHP_CodeSniffer…
The bit numbers on the protocol sniffer page in xscope are supposed to be numbered 4 to 7
### [Codacy](https://app.codacy.com/gh/MyUserNameIsMyUserName/V_XrOm.-.API/commit?cid=558929377) detected an issue:
#### Message: `Processing form data without nonce verification.`
#### Currentl…
### [Codacy](https://app.codacy.com/gh/MyUserNameIsMyUserName/V_XrOm.-.API/commit?cid=558929377) detected an issue:
#### Message: `The use of function rename() is discouraged`
#### Currently on:…
Magento version: 2.4.5-p1
Hyva version: 1.2.0-beta2
Hyva coding standard version: 1.0.1
When running the php code standards, the sniffer is giving an error. If I add doc blocks to my interface th…